Aga Strzecha
Iza Małecka
Kamil Ziętek
Adrianna Majorczyk
Artur Dąbrowski


Eyenimage is social media about fashion and psychology. Created to help users who would like to change something in their image: style, clothes, hairstyle, body shape, makeup, diet etc. Eyenimage is available on all platforms, be it personal computers or smartphones, and on all operating systems. You can download it from Google Play or App Store.

The portal aims at reaching a wide number of users who will decide on their own how to use it:
- to get in touch with specialists only, without opinions of others
- active users - they willingly publish they image, allow ratings and comments but do not use the paid version (specialists’ advice)
- mixed users - they use the whole selection of services provided by Eyenimage

Basic functionalities of the portal:


When you want a specialist’s opinion or other rewards you can pay with coins which you obtain while using various functionalities of the portal, such as: rating and commenting, sharing a makeover, recommending the portal with your personal reflink etc. You can also buy the coins.


Professional stylists, hairdressers, makeup artists, cosmetologists, consultants, fashion and image specialists, personal trainers, physiotherapists, dieticians, aesthetic medicine specialists, dentists, interior designers, photographers, tattoo artists, wedding planners, graphic designers and many others.

Level Expert – if you are a specialist in a given field, we recommend starting a free-of-charge consultant’s profile. Define your area of specialisation and how many coins you would like to receive for your advice. Coins can be either bought or obtained through various actions on the portal. Consultants are obliged to constantly review the number of advice available so that they can respond as fast as possible, in up to 15 minutes. As a consultant you will be ranked, good comments and ratings mean more people want to use your service.

Level user – as a user you can use the bought or obtained coins to buy advice from a specialist in a given field.


Have you had a makeover? People can’t recognize you in your old photos? Have you changed your hair colour or fashion? Share it with other users.
This action, together with other users’ ratings of your makeover is rewarded with coins.


Users’ ranking
Users who allow others to rate them can be put in general ranking. If you want to reach the top position, post pictures / makeovers which will be well rated by others.

Consultants’ ranking
Helps users choose the consultant who will give them advice.

Makeovers’ ranking
Makeovers with highest ratings will be rewarded with coins which can be swapped for advice or rewards.


They make it easier to use our portal and perform a personalized search. It’s an useful element of searching for users who have a similar profile to ours - lets search for various profiles, makeovers and photos according to given interests, it allows checking the ranking in e.g. our city or time (e.g. on a given day).


Each makeover needs to be tagged, a photo should yet doesn’t have to have tags, depending on your preferences. This functionality lets you search for particular makeovers / photos e.g. wedding makeup, New Year’s Eve makeup, long hair-short hair makeover, 20 kg weightloss etc.


The portal supports full communication among users so that you can meet new people in your location who have similar interests and style. However, you don’t have to use this - outsider is also a way of life - we do understand that. The functionality may be active only for your friends or all users.
You can communicate by writing, chatting, video chatting, 3D meetings and also play 3D games with other users.

The functionality lets you see who rated you, visited your profile etc. If the person hasn’t deactivated this functionality. You can also check if you’re interested in another person which makes it easier to interact and take the friendships outside this portal.

Our portal doesn’t dictate anything - you choose, it is here for your needs.

Choose your own functionality - they can always be changed in your settings.
Registering at Eyenimage is free of charge.